Here are 9 easy solutions for your hairfall problem. - Cure Yourself


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Here are 9 easy solutions for your hairfall problem.

Why do hair fall?

Many things can be responsible for this, but a limited calorie diet, constant dieting, stress, chemical and heat-based hair treatments like coloring, blowdrying and straightening are the main reasons for this problem. Dr. Sachin Dhawan, Senior Consultant, Department of Dermatology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram talks about these lifestyle related problems.

It's true that men are more prone to hair loss than women, but thinning hair, hair loss and hair loss actually affects both sexes – and it's less for either

There is no single cause behind hair loss – causes can range from simple and temporary (such as a vitamin deficiency) to more complex, such as an underlying health condition.
Stress or illness can cause hair loss
Pregnancy is an example of the type of physical stress that can lead to hair loss. Pregnancy-related hair loss is more commonly seen after your baby is born rather than during pregnancy.
 Having too little protein in your diet can also lead to  hair fall.

     Male and female pattern baldness

Androgenetic alopecia is a common form of hair loss in both men and women. In men, this condition is also known as male-pattern baldness. The hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, starting at the top of both temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a distinctive “M” shape. The hair at the crown (near the top of the head) also becomes thinner, often leading to partial or complete baldness.

The pattern of hair loss in women is different from that of male-pattern baldness. In women, the hair becomes thinner all over the head, and the hairline does not recede. Androgenetic alopecia in women rarely leads to total baldness

Worried about hair loss? Prevent breakage of your hair in very easy ways.

Hair fall problem has become a common problem for people these days. Be it women or men, young or old, everyone is troubled by hair fall due to pollution, stress or bad lifestyle. There are many reasons for this. Long illness, physical and mental stress, side effects of medicines or lack of something in nutrition. Dandruff also causes hair fall. Along with this, many people also have such a heredity. We will tell you some such home remedies which will not have any side effects.

Things to be taken care of

1) Women should not tie the hair too tightly. Doing so can   cause excessive hair breakage.
2) Keep the Comb clean
 3) Cover your head in the sun while going out. 
4) With this, your hair will be protected from the harmful rays of the sun and pollution.
5) Do not touch your hair again and again
6) Hair should not be washed with hot water. Doing so can make the hair dry, lifeless and damaged.

7) The most important thing is to stay away from stress or anxiety, do yoga or meditate.

Is the problem of hair loss starting to scare you? Start this work soon, hair will not break.

Here are the 9 easy solutions .

1) Amla - Amla contains Vitamin C. By using it, the hair grows naturally and faster.
2) Henna and Fenugreek Powder- Apply the paste of this powder in the hair. After drying wash the hair with plain and clean water. Using it regularly reduces hair fall.

3) Lemon and coconut- Mix lemon juice with double the amount of coconut oil and massage it gently on the scalp with fingers. This will stop hair fall.
4) Onion juice - The sulfur content present in it helps in hair growth by improving blood circulation.

5) Curry leaves- It contains antioxidants, proteins and beta-carotene. Or strengthen the hair and reduce their fall. Take curry leaves and mix them in any hair oil and heat it for some time. After cooling, apply this mixture on your hair and scalp and massage. This will strengthen your hair.

6) If you are thinking of growing it again on your head, then you will have to resort to anti-oxidants. Green tea contains sufficient amount of anti-oxidants, for this you have to dissolve two bags of green tea in water and apply it on your head and after that wash it with clean water. If you adopt this remedy, then your hair will start re-growth and the problem of falling will also get rid of.

7) Hot oil massage is a better Ayurvedic remedy for hair fall. These oils can be included in oil massage such as olive oil, coconut oil and canola oil. Warm these oils lightly and massage them slowly and leave it for 3 to 4 hours after the massage, then wash the hair after that.

8) There are some such medicines in Ayurveda, by using which you can grow hair again. Neem and aloe vera are among these herbal medicines, which are a good option for your hair. Neem and aloe vera kill bacteria, which helps in hair regrowth.

9) Protein is very important for everyone, in the same way protein is also needed for hair. If you want to re-grow your hair, then you should also consume protein. You should include protein-rich vegetables, pulses and such foods in your diet, which can fulfill the lack of protein in your body. For protein, you can include fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, seafood etc. in your diet.

Homeopathic medicine which is effective in hair growth.

Lycopodium is effective for treating hair loss after childbirth, after menopause, or due to ovarian dysfunction.
It is also prescribed when hair loss has been observed from the scalp first.

Natrum mur works well when hair loss is experienced after childbirth.
In such cases, hair loss starts from the frontal area (bregma) of your head.
It can also be prescribed to women suffering from anaemia, hair loss due to iron deficiency.

This medicine is recommended when hair fall is seen in clusters. Hair becomes dry and gray resulting in hair fall from the top, crown area and forehead. It is also effective for treating hair loss due to water changes, climate change and even dandruff.

Diet For Healthy Hair

Apart from medicines and Home Remedies one must include some items in diet to get better results.

1. Spinach
It is a great source of iron , protien ,calcium and Omega 3. These help in keeping hairs glossy and sound .

2. Carrots

Carrots contain Retinol (Vitamin A) that improves hair development. Lack of Vitamin A may lead to dry and irritated scalp. Carrots are known for making hair shiny and strong.

3. Eggs

Eggs help in revamp harmed hair as they have Biotin ,which help in development of hairs. .

4. Oats

Oats are wealthy in fiber, zinc, iron, omega-6 unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated unsaturated fats (PUFAs) that invigorate hair development and can make your hair thick and solid.

5. Lentils

Lentils are a fantastic store of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin. 

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is pressed with Vitamin B5 and vitamin D that are known for growth of strong hairs.


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