Cure yourselves from Common Cold - Cure Yourself


Saturday, July 31, 2021

Cure yourselves from Common Cold

What is Common Cold?

Common Cold is basically a viral infection that affects the nose , throat and respiratory tract . It is also known as flu.

Causes :

 It is viral infection and in most of the cases it is caused by Rhinovirus. A person can be affected any time of the year but some of the factors may increase the risk
1) Having contact with someone already infected.
2) Having weak immune system.
3) Season influence the rate of flu. In winter common cold is more than common.

It spreads due to following reasons
By airborne respiratory droplets (coughs or sneezes).
By touching a contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob).
By saliva (kissing or shared drinks).
By skin-to-skin contact (handshakes or hugs).

Symptom : 

Symptoms arises due to natural defensive response of body against the flu. Symptoms may vary case to case but most of the common symptoms are 

Sore throat          Shivering
Low appetite  Blocked or runny nose
Pinkeye                  Sneezing
Muscle aches  Fever

In case of low immunity these symptoms may get worse  and may lead to
1) Pneumonia.
2) Bronchitis.
3) Sinus infections.
4) Ear infection.

Normally Common Cold is not dangerous and after showing symptoms it automatically goes away in a week or 10 days. 

Treatment and Cure:

 There is no cure for Cold but treatment is given for symptoms. 

Home Remedies : 
1) Drink lots of fluid and keep body hydrated.
2) Have rest .

3) Inhale steam to relieve congestion from chest.
4) Gargle twice with warm water  in case of sore throat.

Allopathy Medicines:

1) To reduce fever and pain — analgesics: Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is generally preferred. Ibuprofen (Advil®) or naproxen (Naprosyn®) is also commonly used.
2) To dry out the nose — antihistamines: Try an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl®). Because these products can make you sleepy, avoid driving and other complex tasks while taking these medicines.

3) To relieve a stuffy, clogged nose — decongestants: Try an oral decongestant, such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed®)
4) To relieve a runny nose or sinus pressure — nasal steroids: Medications like fluticasone (Flonase®, available without a prescription) or mometasone (Nasonex®; prescription needed) can relieve symptoms
5) To relieve a sore throat: Try throat lozenges (such as Cepacol®)

Ayurvedic Treatment :

1) Honey : Honey has antimicrobial properties and commonly used to boost the immunity system . Consuming honey after to warm water soothes sore throat and reduce cough. It is not advisable to give honey to infants though.

2) Ginger : Ginger is known for its medicinal properties.It is used to cure Cold from ages in India. Adding ginger to tea greatly relieves running nose, sore throat and chest congestion.
3) Methanol : Being a part of mint family it is a natural pain reliever and induce peaceful sleep . It has anti bacterial properties and if inhaled with steam greatly reduces chest congestion.
4) Avoiding Curd at night.

Homeopathy Medicines 

For temporary relief of exhaustion, restlessness, fever, loose stool, watery discharges. As directed by physician.

Relieves high fever of sudden onset accompanied by sweating.

Red, watery, irritated eyes, frequent sneezing, and a mild, clear nasal discharge, headache suggests a need for this medicine. 

Sneezing , headache, loss of smell & taste, clear nasal discharge.

This relieves spasmodic sneezing in the morning, with a dry nose during the night.

This remedy relieves non-irritant yellowish nasal discharge with a dry nose at night that becomes runny during the day, and loss of smell and taste.
with pain at the base of the nose.

Relief of symptoms of colds, sore throat and runny nose with discharge.


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