3 Ways To Treat Gastric Ulcers at Home : Ayurvedic Treatment & Prevention. - Cure Yourself


Thursday, August 5, 2021

3 Ways To Treat Gastric Ulcers at Home : Ayurvedic Treatment & Prevention.

Hi  if you are suffering from gastritis ulcers or heart burns and you’re fed up of taking the modern Medicines or the allopathic medicines and don’t want to take any of the chemicals then this page is for you . Here we will try to understand the causes and the alternative medicines i.e. herbal Medicines which will surely affect. So Stay with me up to the last.

First of all let’s try to understand
What’s the modern medical science Approach.

The Allopathic treatment is antibiotics and proton pump Inhibitors like Omeprazole (Prilosec) .These kinds of medicines are generally prescribed by Doctors. But what’s happening is if we are taking Antibiotics . 

It’s not only killing the Bad bacterias but it is killing all of The bacterias and these medications cause Vomit & Decrease in our immunity, so what’s happening is at last is our immunity becomes low and this is like a never ending circle. We are having the medicines and then again suffering ,having the medicines then again suffering .Now the question is why the doctors had started giving the antibiotics for these problems at the first place? Actually it has been believed  from the past 30 years that –
Helicobacter pylori is the cause of these problems. All of these Problems doctor can’t understand it’s all blamed on Helicobacter pylori Bacteria ,and the treatment is done of
this bacteria that’s all, as it’s a bacteria. That’s why the antibiotics are given but it’s funny that Helicobacter Pylori is not only found in the person who are suffering from gastric gastritis Ulcers or heartburn.

It is also found a normal person who is not suffering from these problems and the only cause that why is it giving problems in some and why it’s Like calm in another person is just because of the level of immunity in our Gut . 

So the treatment should be to increase Immunity so that our immunity suppresses The helicobacter pylori and the other Causes .Then  it will be called “the treatment” and Antibiotics are not going to give any of the answers. 

Root Cause of Problems

In practice it has been have Noticed that why and when these problems Starts . Then you can see the episode when occurs ,is directly related to stress ,Anxiety nervousness, if a person is too Happy or say too nervous ,if you are Seeing any other games you are very much Excited.

In many of the patients it is Seen it is either related to nervous System directly . 
So whenever you are suffering from this try to see what’s the cause? when did you Get stressed, excited or nervous. You will Find there is some link between this problem and your nervous system.
Additionally eating lots of oily and spicy food increases the risk of heartburn and gastric Ulcers.


 So Calming ourselves down and increasing the Immunity. This is their treatment this is the permanent treatment actually.  So now What are the alternative treatments ?

Its been seen that Buckthorn oil is one of the good home remedy for gastritis ulcers or even for the heart burn . You can take one Teaspoon to 1 tablespoon before every meal and shake it well before use and then in this way it will be more beneficial.

The another remedy that is very helpful it is Aloe Vera juice . It has tremendous results in all Of these problems.

Third is Fennel Seed. Chewing spoonful of fennel seed after meal is an ancient food habit in India. It is proven remedy for gastric problems and heart burn.

These are very good home remedies which will surely help.  Combination of first and third have  seen to give very good results in the gastritis especially.

Start using it and surely you will get the results. So we have thought about the treatment now let’s try to understand what causes we have to remove . Because we were not born with the Helicobacter problems it has been studied now what other causes that have triggered this problem.

The first is alcohol ,smoking for sure these are the things.

Second  are the Medicines that are blood thinning. The Medicines that thins our blood  also causes these  problems for Example Aspirin. 

Many of the patients who Are going through the long course of Aspirin have these problems.

The third cost as  said earlier it was Radically rented to anxiety stress and Nervousness .So we have to remove them. We Have to teach our self how to cope with These situations

The fourth and very Interesting one is if a person is Continuously eating all of the day means In small  intervals, sometimes Coffee sometimes black tea or any of the Chips or Fries . These all things after eating the breakfast, lunch or dinner in between if you are taking this will surely cause the problem. 

Be good to take in the big portions two to three times in a day. Nowadays Intermittent fasting is very famous.
We would Recommend you also to practice. So do These all things these all things will Surely help these are very effective and We don’t need any of the medicines we Just have to increase our immunity.

To live happy that’s all stay.

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