Hypertension - Cure Yourself


Monday, January 10, 2022


High blood pressure is a condition in which the pressure of blood against artery walls exceeds normal levels. The body has two main types of arteries—the smaller arterioles and the larger arteries. High blood pressure is more common in older people. To measure it, you take two numbers: one for the pressure when your heart pumps (systolic) and another for the pressure between heartbeats (diastolic).


Blood pressure can be classified as either normal or high. Normal blood pressure ranges at 120/80 mm Hg or lower; whereas high blood pressure is defined as 140/90 mm Hg or higher. Blood pressure that is too high can cause serious health problems like an enlarged heart, kidney disease, and stroke. Hypertension often goes unnoticed because it usually has no symptoms. The only way to know if you have hypertension is to get tested by a doctor.

Dangers of High Blood Pressure-

1- Heart Failure-

High Blood Pressure increases the pressure on the heart to pump more blood. This increases the size of heart which may lead to
a) Heart Attack
b) Cardiac Arrest
c) Heart Failure

2- Brain Failure-

 Hypertension may lead to reduction of blood flow to the brain which inturn causes death of Brain Cells. This is also known as Brain Stroke

3- Arteries Damage-

As blood flows with pressure causes damage to the arteries. The damage so caused makes it easier for dietary fats to deposit and restrict blood flow. Over a course of time this can lead to increased blood pressure, blockages, and, eventually, heart attack and stroke.

4- Myocardial infarction
5- Hypertensive retinopathy
6- Congestion in the lungs
7- Impotence


There are two types of hypertension. Each type has a different cause.

Essential (primary) hypertension

Essential hypertension is also called primary hypertension. This kind of hypertension develops over time. This is the most common hypertension that people have. Factors that may lead to Primary Hypertension are
1- Age
2- Alcohol Consumption
3- Genetics
4- High Sodium Intake

Secondary hypertension

It is severe than primary Hypertension and causes damage to many organs. Mostly it comes as part and parcel of other diseaes or habbits like

• Kidney disease
• Obstructive sleep apnea
• Congenital heart defects
• Thyroid
• Side effects of medications
• Illegal drugs and excessive Alcohol


It is generally considered a silent killer and and patient may not see any symptoms for year or decade. In case of sever hypertension dizziness, Subconjuctival Haemorrhage are seen.


It is highly advisable to get your BP checked regularly.

If your blood pressure remains high, your doctor will likely conduct more tests to rule out underlying conditions. These tests can include:

1-Cholesterol screening and other blood tests

2-Test of your heart’s electrical activity with an electrocardiogram (EKG, sometimes referred to as an ECG)
3-Ultrasound of your heart or kidneys
4-Home blood pressure monitor to monitor your blood pressure over a 24-hour period at home

Treatment of Hypertension-
Allopathic Treatment
Many people go through a trial-and-error phase with blood pressure medications. Your doctor may need to try different medications until they find one or a combination that works for you.
Some of the medications used to treat hypertension include:
Beta-blockers: Beta-blockers make your heart beat slower and with less force. This reduces the amount of blood pumped through your arteries with each beat, which lowers blood pressure. It also blocks certain hormones in your body that can raise your blood pressure.
Diuretics: High sodium levels and excess fluid in your body can increase blood pressure. Diuretics, also called water pills, help your kidneys remove excess sodium from your body. As the sodium leaves, extra fluid in your bloodstream moves into your urine, which helps lower your blood pressure.
ACE inhibitors: Angiotensin is a chemical that causes blood vessels and artery walls to tighten and narrow. ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors prevent the body from producing as much of this chemical. This helps blood vessels relax and reduces blood pressure.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs): While ACE inhibitors aim to stop the creation of angiotensin, ARBs block angiotensin from binding with receptors. Without the chemical, blood vessels won’t tighten. That helps relax vessels and lower blood pressure.
Calcium channel blockers: These medications block some of the calcium from entering the cardiac muscles of your heart. This leads to less forceful heartbeats and a lower blood pressure. These medications also work in the blood vessels, causing them to relax and further lowering blood pressure.
Alpha-2 agonists: This type of medication changes the nerve impulses that cause blood vessels to tighten. This helps blood vessels to relax, which reduces blood pressure.
Homeopathic Treatment
Belladona: Belladona is well-known for its effectiveness in treating high blood pressure, and it shows significant improvement in people who have a fast heart rate, dilated pupils, and a flushed complexion.
Aconitum: Aconitum is a beneficial homoeopathic treatment for patients who have high blood pressure that comes on unexpectedly and who are continuously afraid of dying.
Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is effective in lowering down high blood pressure arising due to overeating.
Lycopodium: Lycopodium, too, is a general, effective homeopathic remedy for patients suffering from high blood pressure.
Ignatia: High blood pressure arising due to emotional upset, anger, grief etc can be treated effectively using Ignatia.
Lachesis: Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy which is particularly effective in treating high blood pressure occurring during menopause.
Ayurvedic Upay
-According to Ayurveda, avoidance of the causative factor is the first line of treatment for all diseases. Excess intakes of salt and fatty substance should be avoided and certain medicines such asNSAIDS, steroids, cough syrups etc. are also to be taken carefully.
Arjunarishth- Arjunarishta was traditionally used as a herbal tonic to enhance heart health. According to animal studies, the mixture and its constituents may lower cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood pressure levels, all of which are important risk factors for heart disease.
Bhramavati-Depression, mental problems, insomnia, MDP, chronic fever, tremors in the hands and legs, and anxiety are all treated with it in Ayurvedic medicine. When you're having a panic attack, this is a good thing to have. It also aids in the maintenance of normal blood pressure.
Prabhakar Vati - It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of heart diseases. It acts as cardiac tonic. It is also used as general co-prescription in many cardiac ailments.
2- Artery Disease
5-Obesity, hypercholesterolemia and inflammation
Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa- Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa Tablet is used to treat Hrud-gata Vata (Cardiac discomfort), general oedema, dyspnea, feeble pulse, fainting, Indriya Dourbalya, osteoarthritis, and Smrutinasha in Ayurvedic medicine. It is beneficial in promoting bone and joint strength. It's a fantastic anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication..
Home Remedies
1- Amla – It is rich source of Vitamin C which helps in regulating Blood Pressure , lowering bad cholesterol and widens blood vessels. Consuming Amla juice in the morning empty stomach is highly recommended for BP patients.
2- Ashwagandha- Small amount of ashwagandha in tea helps in regulating Blood Pressure. It is also helpful in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
3- Galric- Garlic helps lower your blood pressure since it is a natural blood thinner and it reduces cholesterol levels. You can try consuming one clove of garlic in the morning as it will have multiple health benefits in the long run.
4- Honey – Tablespoons full of honey every morning is like warm water can work miracles for your body. It is not only well known remedy to shed fat faster but it also relaxes the wall of blood vessels and reduce blood pressure.

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