Namaskar!! Our liver naturally produces cholesterol and this cholesterol then travels through the whole body with the help of protein.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in your blood and all of your body’s cells. Cholesterol is required to keep your cells and organs healthy. Your liver produces all of the cholesterol required by your body. However, cholesterol can also be obtained through the foods you eat, particularly meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy products. Dietary fat-rich foods can also cause your liver to produce higher cholesterol. There are 2 types of cholesterols , bad as well as good. Good cholesterol which is called as HDL and bad cholesterol is LDL and VLDL. You may be at risk for heart disease and other dangerous illnesses if you have too much LDL cholesterol in your blood. Plaque, a fatty substance that narrows the arteries and prevents blood from flowing normally, can form when LDL levels are high. A heart attack can occur when blood supply to the heart is blocked. Stroke and peripheral artery disease can occur when blood supply to the brain is impeded. You may not have any symptoms if you have high cholesterol, but you could be at serious risk for heart disease. A cholesterol test can provide significant information to your doctor about your blood cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol levels LDL, also known as “bad” cholesterol, is the most common cause of artery blockages. HDL levels are important. HDL, or “good” cholesterol, aids in the removal of “bad” LDL cholesterol. Cholesterol Total. The sum of your blood’s low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. Triglycerides A form of fat that can be present in your bloodstream. High triglyceride levels, according to some studies, may raise the risk of heart disease, particularly in women. VLDL Another kind of “bad” cholesterol is very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). High VLDL levels have been linked to the formation of plaque in the arteries. Because measuring VLDL is difficult, these levels are frequently calculated using triglyceride measurements. This bad cholesterol deposits itself in the blood vessels and causes heart attacks as well as strokes. So such a cholesterol can be really dangerous. What is the purpose of a cholesterol test? A cholesterol test may be ordered by your doctor as part of a normal assessment or if you have a family history of heart disease or one or more of the risk factors listed below: Blood pressure that is too high Diabetes type 2 Smoking Obesity or excess weight Insufficient physical activity A high-saturated-fat diet Every human should definitely be very very sincere about the fat which we are consuming. There are 3 types of fats. 1) Saturated Fat 2) Unsaturated fat 3) Trans fat This saturated fats is available in meats and dairy products, they instruct the liver to produce more bad cholesterol. Unsaturated fats, person can get from plants,nuts,seeds and vegetable oils. This unsaturated fats is helpful in breaking down the bad cholesterol. Trans fat, These trans fat you will get from fried food , baked food, packaged food, open the packet and eat, open the packet and drink, all these readymade products, they are really harmful for our body, so to reduce the cholesterol, you will need to know certain Does and Don’t. Here are few tips. Firstly avoid trans fats, avoid all packaged foods, fried food, pizzas pastries etc, doubt they are tasty, but as far as possible we should avoid, if you are eating, eat very little not more in any case. Secondly, consume saturated fat, but in a limit. Consuming butter, cheese ,ghee, palm oil, coconut oil, these things should not be taken more then 1 teaspoon full a day. Third, person must consume good fats. Certain oils like olive oil, groundnut oil are required in our body, similarly nuts like almonds,walnuts,cashewnuts should be taken and a fruit like avocado should be consumed. All these are good fats and good fats are required in our body. Meditation for Cholesterol Allopathic Treatment- Several types of prescription drugs can lower LDL. Get to know what each of them does, as well as some tips for taking these medications. Statins What they are: These are the most common LDL-lowering drugs prescribed by doctors. They also reduce triglycerides, a form of blood fat, and raise your "good" (HDL) cholesterol slightly. Statins include: Atorvastatin (Lipitor) Fluvastatin (Lescol) Lovastatin Pitavastatin (Livalo) Pravastatin (Pravachol) Rosuvastatin calcium (Crestor) Simvastatin (Zocor) Side Effects Intestinal issues, liver damage (occasionally), and muscle inflammation are all possible side effects. According to the FDA, statins may increase the risk of high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes, though the risk is about 1 in 250 and the benefits outweigh the dangers. Inhibitors of cholesterol absorption. The cholesterol in your meal is absorbed by your small intestine and released into your bloodstream. The medicine ezetimibe (Zetia) lowers blood cholesterol by preventing dietary cholesterol from being absorbed. Ezetimibe can be taken in conjunction with a statin medication. Inhibitors of PCSK9. These medicines can aid in the absorption of LDL cholesterol by the liver, lowering the quantity of cholesterol in your blood. People with a hereditary disorder that causes very high levels of LDL or people with a history of cardiovascular disease who have intolerance to statins or other cholesterol drugs may benefit from alirocumab (Praluent) or evolocumab (Repatha). They are costly and are injected under the skin every several weeks. Homeopathic Treatment CRATEAGUS OXYACANTHA: This is a cholesterol cure used as a heart tonic in homoeopathy. Insomnia, anaemia, high arterial pressure, irregular pulse, and breathing are all treated with this remedy. Urine diabetes, have a solvent power on artery deposits. Have the ability to dissolve crustaceous and calcareous deposits seen in arteries. This homoeopathic treatment is used to treat cholesterol that is accompanied with anxious symptoms. Its symptoms do not indicate a gain in strength or vitality. Fel Tauri: Trears a sluggish liver and helps to get rid of fat. Nux vomica: Treats dyspepsia caused by food misuse and removes liver damage. Cholesterinum: This homoeopathic medicine is utilised when a person has liver or gallbladder illness as well as high cholesterol levels. It aids in the treatment of enlargement of the liver and gallstone colic. Psorinum: This homoeopathic medicine aids in the removal of toxins from the body of people with high cholesterol levels, which aids in their management. Ayurvedic Medicine Garlic It has been shown in a number of scientific research to be useful in lowering total and LDL cholesterol. The evidence for its effect on HDL, or good cholesterol, is conflicting; one study found an increase in HDL levels, while another found no effect. It was also discovered to have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and blood antioxidant potential. Green tea It contains the most polyphenols, which are linked to not just lowering LDL cholesterol but also raising HDL cholesterol. Men who drank green tea had lower cholesterol levels than those who didn't, according to a population-based study. Fenugreek Seeds Vitamin E-rich methi seeds have anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. Fenugreek saponins aid in the removal of cholesterol from the body, and its fibre aids in the reduction of cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Coriander Seeds Dhaniya seeds have been utilised for a variety of diseases in Ayurveda. One of the items on the long list is decreasing harmful cholesterol. Vitamins including folic acid, vitamin A, beta-carotene, and, most importantly, vitamin C are all found in coriander seeds. Amla In addition to minerals and amino acids, phenolic compounds are present. The amla fruit has been utilised as a rasayan in Ayurveda for the treatment of numerous ailments. The effects of cholesterol-lowering medications and amla were examined in a study published in the Indian journal of Pharmacology. Kapalbhati Pranayam: This yoga exercise involves the use of powerful breathing to help balance the dispel toxins an increases the metabolic rate to reduce weight. It also stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestive tract functioning. 2. Chakrasana: This pose massages the abdominal organs and helps alleviate constipation. It also improves the functioning of the liver and thus, helps get rid of excess fat and cholesterol. 3. Shalabhasana: This asana helps strengthen the back shoulders and arms and stretches the belly while stimulates the abdominal organs to help improve digestion. 4. Sarvangasana: A yoga pose which requires balancing the whole body on the shoulders to help influence the functioning of all parts of your body. This asana is highly beneficial in maintaining the mental and physical health and is also referred as ‘Queen of asanas’. 5.Ardha Matsyendrasana: Aside from stimulating the liver and helping with indigestion, this pose also massages the abdominal organs and also makes your spine more supple. Fourth point, to reduce cholesterol you need to do some asana. Actually cholesterol increases because of 2 things, lack of exercise and stress, so understand which asanas you should do regularly. Exercise helps in reducing triglycerides and helps in increasing good cholesterol that is HDL in our body. Here are few asanas if you do regularly it will help in burning excess cholesterol. First,Suryanamaskar Nowadays it is getting very popular but it really is a complete asana by itself. It is a combination of few asanas and it helps in every part of our body. In any case to reduce bad cholesterol this is the best asana where you are exercising everything of your body. Your head is getting circulation your spine is getting exercised, your abdomen is getting good compression and exercise, your extremities are getting exercised, your palms are getting exercised, so everywhere you will find doing something to help with your body so this should be done regularly. Do 2-3 rounds of suryanamaskar in the morning, that would do good. Second asana would be Hastpadangusthashan. Third, very traditional asana that is Ardhamatyendrasana,in plank pose you are sitting now throw yourself forward, go ahead and take the support of both the arms, then try and lift your bottom up so that your entire body is like a plank, stay in this position holding yourself and this also would help in strengthening your core and helping you to reduce your cholesterol. Finally last but most important is pranayama number 4,this Yogendra pranayama number 4 is the most ideal to see that every human becomes very much aware about his abdomen his stomach. Stomach should never protrude out stomach should be in contour and for that make the stomach muscles always flexible, so try and do this for 10 mins twice or thrice in a day. Follow all these tips given, if cholesterol is unattended then it can lead to a fatality it is going to be harmful, so be careful, eat a right type of food try and see that you live a life in which you are stress free and learn to live positively happily and with awareness. Home remedies and a healthy lifestyle To lower your cholesterol levels, you must make lifestyle modifications. Get rid of the additional pounds. Losing weight can aid in cholesterol reduction. Eat a diet that is good for your heart. Plant-based diets, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, should be prioritised. Saturated and trans fats should be avoided. Olive and canola oils include monounsaturated fat, which is a healthier option. Avocados, almonds, and oily salmon are among more healthy fat sources. Exercise on a regular basis. Work up to at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise five times a week with your doctor’s approval. Please don’t smoke. Find a way to stop smoking if you do.
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