face care - Cure Yourself

Monday, June 27, 2022

face care

Summer Facial Care Tips So let’s know tips for face care in summer
• For face care in summer, you should massage an ice cube made of tomato juice on the skin, it is very beneficial, it also provides relief to the sun-scorched skin and also maintains the glow of the skin.

Dry skin means that the pores in dry skin are not able to open properly, in such a situation, makeup can be done on it comfortably, but it is also necessary to protect it from diseases and infections. Therefore, to take care of the face in summer, wash the face thoroughly as soon as you wake up in the morning and then mix a little raw milk in the powder of orange peel and apply it on the face. 
And after five-seven minutes massage with light hands and finally wash your mouth with cold water.
• The amount of dead cells in dry skin increases significantly, due to the removal of dead cells on the face, your skin becomes clean, so for dry skin you should use face scrub.
• To take care of dry skin in summer, peel two bananas and grind them well, then apply this paste on the face.
• Wash hands, feet and mouth thoroughly before sleeping at night, so that your day’s mess is cleaned. After this, apply oil-free moisturizer on the skin.
• Remember that the moisture of the skin ends with the use of powder, so do not use powder in dry skin.

 • Protect your face and eyes from the sun in summer. In summer, it is very important to apply sunscreen on the exposed parts of the body.
• Many companies claim that sunscreen is also present in their moisturizer, but it is better that you must apply sunscreen lotion separately with the moisturizer. If you are going to be in the sun for some reason, then go out in the sun only after applying a sunscreen lotion with SPF 30.
How to be your grooming and makeup in summer –
• Summer skin. The radiance begins to diminish. Therefore, regular massage of the skin must be done for facial care in summer.
• So make-up. Make it very light. You can use home ubtan to improve the skin in summer. Use which is very easy to make and also cheap.
• Nails break a lot in the summer season. In such a situation, apply frankincense that strengthens them, at least once a week. Light colored nail polish in summer. Put it on
• Makeup in summer day time. (makeup) to a minimum
.• Lipstick. Before applying, apply lip base or Vaseline. Refrigerate it before applying lipstick. Keep it in the fridge and make it hard.
• Facial massage with “Oil Free” Moisturizer for summer face care. Do it. If the eye shadow freezes as a crust. If it is stuck, apply a drop of moisturizer and lubricate it.
• A little perfume at the end. Don’t forget to apply (perfume) or udicolon.

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